Remote magnetic pipe inspection
Inspex technology
Remote Magnetic Inspection Technology based at Villary effect

New generation magnetic sensors

Advanced software for signal processing

The distance from tool to burrined pipe up to 15 diameters of pipe

Could detect from surface deeper than 12 foot

Comparison Inspex vs Conventional
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    •Low cost
    •High speed of work
    •Diagnostic of non-piggable pipeline sections
    •Diagnostics without stopping the pipleline flow
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    Conventional methods
    •High cost of work
    •Need for preparatory work
    •Stopping product transportation for the duration of inspection
    •Significant limitations on applicability
    •Risk of smart pig stucking
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Case study and Clinet feedback

Report example of 48" gas pipeline
19 - points of inspection
12 points - critical
2 points - supercritical

Verde Generation company feedback:

“… We were impressed with INSPEX technology and our company managed to save 250 000$ for infrastructure construction cost…


•Remote - distance from pipe to tool up to 15 pipe diameters
•Not require stopping or reducing the volume of oil or gas transportation •Detecting anomalies in real time
•High performance – up to 30 km per day
•Could work at non-piggable pipelines
•Automatic pipeline tracing
•Detect pipeline depth
•Ability to operate in high electromagnetic environments


•Requires a pressure of at least 5 bar (75 psi)
•Applicable only on steel pipelines
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Detectable anomalies
1.Stress-deformed states
2.Corrosion and fatigue stresses
3.Defects related to metal loss and metal strength violations
4.Changing the pipeline geometry
5.Unauthorized tie-ins and repair sites